Sunday, April 3, 2011

March 28th

Everything is going really great. Time is just really flying by. I love my new companion. I am learning a lot from her every day. Sometimes I forget that I am actually in another country it just feels so much like home here. I already don’t really want to go home. It is hard work. But I love the people I can’t imagine leaving them.

We are teaching a part member family right now who are recent converts. We are teaching the members little girl because she turned 8. He really wants her to be baptized but only when she understands as best she can and to make her own decision. I see Christ´s sacrifice working in these people´s lives daily. They are working so hard to change and I am changing right there along with them. I am working really hard and loving it.

Megan's 1st Baptism "Soladad

Megan and her 1st companion Hermana Guymon