Monday, March 21, 2011

New Companion

March 21, 2011

I am so excited Jade got to go to prom. She looks absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for the pictures. I loved them. I am trying really hard to send pictures but it might take me a while. I will keep trying. I am so glad everything is going well. I am learning more and more every day. I was able to actually understand a little bit more yesterday. Every day gets a little bit better. It is slow but it is in the Lord´s time and that is all that matters.

Everything is great here. I love our investigators so much. We are finding someone new almost every day. We have some great investigators right now that I absolutely love. They are such a great example for me and a real blessing. I am really excited to keep teaching them. I can´t tell you how much I look forward to working every day. To be able to let them know about this gospel and all the ways it can help them. I am really excited. I got a new companion today. I had my first transfer. Hermana Guymon is going home, all the way to Huntington, Utah. I am really excited for her. I will miss her. But I am really excited to be able to work with my new companion. Her name is Hermana Orozco and she is from Nevada, her parents are from Mexico. So she speaks both languages really well, so I am really excited to learn from her. I am really excited to get to know her and be able to work with her and help her teach the people. I love it so much. I am really excited to work every day, even when it is really hard. Time is really flying fast.


Hermana Jorgensen

March 13, 2011

Thanks so much for the pictures it really makes my day I am so grateful you were able to send them. Thank you for the quote you always make my day better. I can take so much courage from your guidance and counsel because I know you can and will always help me. You also have gained a lot of wisdom knowledge spiritual strength and courage. I am forever grateful I got the privilege to be you daughter. You give me courage everyday that I can be a better person I will be able to work harder every hour of every day. Could you put that quote on the blog I want others to see it. (“Oliver Cowdery said while he was scripting for the Prophet Joseph Smith while he was translating the Book of Mormon; “These are days never to be forgotten”. Your mission is just like that, they are days never to be forgotten. How exciting it is to see the gospel change lives for the better and to be part of that.”) I am getting to know the people so much better and the language is really coming I can feel the Lord´s guidance on a daily basis. I am so grateful for this opportunity, I am learning so much. It is almost like I can´t take everything in. The guidance of the Holy Ghost is a beautiful thing and I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to feel that guidance and to work really hard every day to be able to feel it so much more.

I am so grateful for the Power of the Atonement and the Holy Ghost. They both bring so much joy and gladness to the world. They make the world a better place even if it is only one heart at a time. That one heart can make such a difference and will be able to help so many other people. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that I got put in my family.

I am really getting along great here. I am getting to know the people better, which I am really loving. I am starting to understand a lot of what they say and I can speak a little bit very slowly or they will not be able to understand.

I love it here. Although I am a little sad right now, my companion will be going home in a couple of days at the end of this transfer. So I will be getting a new companion next week which will be great, I am really excited to be able to get to know her, but I will miss my trainer. But I know the Lord´s hand is in everything, and everything will happen the way that He knows will be best. I am so grateful I had my companion even if it was only for such a short time. I am really glad I got to know her.

I am really grateful for all the great support that I get from you.


Hermana Jorgensen

First Baptism

March 7th

We had our first baptism. Her name is Soledad Siquela. I loved it so much. I really wish I was able to send you the pictures. I just loved watching her coming up out of that water and realizing she was headed in the right direction. She was on the path and I really hope she stays there. She was smiling so big and her face was shinning when she came out of that font. It was truly beautiful. Her baptism was absolutely amazing. I absolutely loved it.

I am so grateful to be able to be here. I love it so much. I love the people. The language is coming. I am learning a lot each and every day. I am learning all about different views on life and how to help people; how to let the Lord work through me instead of around me. It is truly beautiful. It is hard a lot of the time, but it is really worth it. Even if all we do is plant a seed, a seed can grow and we are able to help that.

Oh, I was able to figure out the money. What it is; they give you a Wells Fargo bank card and every month we are able to go pull out money in pesos for the month. All in all it works really well.


Hermana Jorgensen

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mon 2/28/2011 Megan wrote:

I am really excited to be here. We all love it. The people are wonderful. We have a lot of members that feed us. Usually it is really great food. Actually a lot of the time it is wonderful. We only eat lunch with them though. It is a little different here. Lunch is the really big and they only each something light for dinner which isn´t until like 9 or 10 o’clock at night and we are already on our way home for the day.

Time has just really flown by. We are almost done with our transfer my companion will be going home in about 2 to 3 weeks at the end of this transfer which will be March 20th. It has been really hard and really inspiring at the same time. All of the time and effort is really worth it when your investigators come to church or are almost ready to be baptized. The light in their eyes is truly amazing. I love all of the people here. You can tell how much the gospel can really change lives.

It is a little hard here, but it is really worth all the effort. I am so glad I am here doing the Lord´s work. I really wish there was more time in the day. I would love more time to work and study and just love the people. Although I will say I am a little happy to see home every night especially after a really long day. There is never enough time in the day. It all seems to fly by so fast. I really wish that I was able to get more done in a day. But all is well. I work as hard as I can and let the Lord take care of the rest. It is all you can really do some days. You love the people with all your heart might mind and strength. Give everything you have and say; “Alright Heavenly Father I have done all I can do. I have given my all to this work. Now would you please help me?” We do all we can do and he is waiting with outstretched arms welcoming us home. Love this gospel with all your might. Do everything you can and all will be well. We are promised that, always.

Please let me know when Stephanie gets her call. I am so happy for her. I am really glad she made this choice. She will be forever grateful for it. Even everything seems to be working against you. It is the little moments when the Holy Ghost testifies to your heart that everything will be okay and that you are loved that makes it all worth it. Especially the love you can see in members and investigators eyes as they explore this gospel. I love this gospel so much. I am so grateful for temples and how available they are in the states. I loved being able to go and I am so looking forward to being able to go again.

Spanish is slowly coming. I am learning a lot every day. I can really see the Lord´s hand in all I am doing. I have learned so much already and that is only through the Holy Ghost. I can actually understand sometimes all that is being said. It helps when they speak a little slower which I will say does not happen all that often. But I love it here. The people are great we have some really great families in the ward and some singles. We had six investigators at church on Sunday. The Lord knows how to help his people. He knows all of everything. I can see the light in their eyes when they realize for the first time or even for the hundredth time that this church is true. That God and Jesus Christ are real and that they love them. I can tell the difference. They love this gospel so much here and they realize how much it helps. Now if only there was a temple closer. I really love it here.

Let everyone know that I miss them and will try to let them know what is going on, which will be much easier with the blog. Thanks so much for going to all the trouble of putting the BlogSpot together.


hermana jorgensen